Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Day 15: San Ignacio, Belize to Tikal, Guatemala

Today was the Guatemalan border.  Not quite as organized as the Belize border, but then again, they wanted more from me.  Original vehicle title and a copy, same with driver’s license, registration, and passport.  Not sure if they were using this approach to minimize the movement of stolen vehicles or justify the $20 charge.

The roads in Guatemala are quite good...well...until they are not.  Came through the border, had great, windy, twisty, newly paved roads.  Flying along doing 45-70 mph and then all off a sudden, no road.  Not bad road, no road, no warning, just rutted out base course that appears as if it had been put down years ago.  I thought for sure I was going to blow out a shock, but the motorcycle gods took mercy, and I came though unscathed. 

Went to Tikal this morning.  It is an old Mayan settlement that is currently being restored by the government.  They seem to be a doing a wonderful job.  During my trek through, I found a 30-foot long line of Leaf Cutter Ants just going to town, moving leaves to their construction site..  I have seen them building their domiciles in zoos and such, but never in real life.  The whole time I was watching them, I was thinking, you know guys, if you just went the other direction, the same leaves are only 2-feet away.  

Trip Summary
This Leg: 90 miles
Total Distance Traveled: 3,508 miles
Border Crossings: 3

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