Friday, September 2, 2016

Day 62: Barranca, Peru

Sun came out today.  First time I have seen it since Chichlayo.  Apparently Lima is overcast the vast majority of the time, today was a nice break.  I took advantage of the beautiful weather and ran up and down the shoreline.  I wish I had known about this road when I first came into Lima as the Pan American was a parking lot, and the coast road (Circuito de Playas, translates to "beach circuit") was moving along above the speed limit.

I looked at the blog statistics summary today for the first time (I did not know there was one).  The page tells me more information than I would ever need or want to know.  Data presented includes items like: what type of phone operating systems are being used to view blog, as well as what computer browsers (interesting aside, remember when IE ruled the net, now it is less than 1 percent of total views), and the one I actually found interesting, what countries have been viewing the blog. The blog is public, but not searchable (I'm too cheap pay for it), which means you can view it if you have the link, but it will not show in a Google search.  With those parameters, people in over 20 countries have viewed the blog, with the big three being, USA (obviously), Saudi Arabia (not too surprising as I worked and still have friends there), and France, where I know nobody.  Other frequent visiting countries include, China, Germany, Latvia and Romania.  Not sure how the link got over there, but hello and thanks for stopping by.

Tomorrow I head down the coast on the initial push to Cusco (Google Maps spells it Cusco, and this Google hosted Blog auto-corrects to Cuzco, gotta love the consistency).   Coast road the whole way, I am looking forward to getting in some good miles.  

Trip Summary
Today's Leg: 0 miles
Total Distance Traveled: 7,999 miles
Total Borders Crossed: 10
Total Countries Visited: 11
Total Times Stopped by the Police/Tickets Issued:  13/0
Shaken Down by the Police/Total Paid: 5/1
Visits to a Holding Cell: 1

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